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Where are you located?The farm is located 3/4 of a mile down Auten Rd which is right off of M-15 2985 Auten Rd, Ortonville Mi, 48462
When will the U-Pick become available?This question will have a different answer every year. This depends on good old Mother Nature!! We have a love/hate relationship with her. If only she talked to me more or let me in on her secrets!! Our u-pick depends on when the flowers are ready. We would hate to have you out and not have our fields full of wonderful flowers for you to pick. We expect it to be about Mid July-September. Make sure to join our VIP flower friends list to stay up to date on all our Upicks and events. Until the U-pick is open and the field is flowing we will continue to offer bouquets. These will be filled with early seasonal blooms.
When is the flower stand open?This varies through the season based on what’s available. Approximately June-October We will keep our social media up to date if there is an abundance available to pick up. There is a cash box there to drop off payment of cash or check. (Checks made out to Barefoot Blossom Farm) Sometimes depending on the weather we also do porch pick up sometimes as we have a large covered porch. Currently our stand is not covered.
How do I know when to purchase tickets for the U-Pick or one of your events?The best way to stay informed about our events is to join our email list and make sure to follow us on one of our social media outlets. We will always inform our email list first. We do expect tickets to sell out fast so this would be a good way to know first.
Will there be more Events added?In 2021 this was the question of the season!! We encourage you firstly to make sure you are on our VIP flower friends email list and to follow us on a social media outlet to stay up to date on when tickets go on sale. We are very specific of when we place our dates on the calendar based on people available, items available and flowers available. Without all these things in place we can't make it happen. Last season it took 10 of us to efficiently run a Girls Night Out. When your only expecting 40-45 guests, that's about a 1 to 4 person ratio of who we need. We want to provide you with the most amazing experience when you visit the farm and in doing that we think things through. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks for your patience and support.
Who can take a free Cancer Bouquet?Our Pink Cancer Bouquets will be picked from our Memorial Cancer Garden. Many strong women in our family have fought this battle and live to love, and some lost their battle fighting hard. We want to honor them with this garden and through delivering smiles in bouquets. Please feel free to take one of our free bouquets and deliver it to someone who is battling cancer. It does not have to be breast cancer as we know cancer affects many in so many ways. We would really appreciate it if you took the time to tag us online. It could just be a picture of the bouquet in someone’s home. This would be the best repayment to fill our souls!!
How do I pay?On our website we pay by credit card. At our flower stand we take cash or checks or Venmo. There is a drop box to leave it in. Sorry we cannot make change. It is a drop and go.
Can we take family, senior, wedding pictures at your farm?"For this year we are not accepting private photographers to come in and do photo shoots. However paying customers are free to take pictures during our events and U-picks. In fact we encourage it! Why can’t we just show up to U-Pick and purchase tickets there? We are hoping to create a peaceful experience when you come to the farm out in nature. When we have gone places in the past it is our favorite when it is “dead” or no one is there. While we always hope to have business, we want you to be able to speak with all our guests, if necessary and provide you the opportunity to visit our farm and capture pictures without a 100 others in the background. Our farm rows were built with space. Each aisle is 6 feet wide and the flower rows are 4 feet. That means there could be up to 10 feet between each row. We are hoping people feel comfortable to take off their mask and enjoy their time in nature. By selling a limited amount of tickets, people can feel more confident in knowing that our place will never be crowded and they will always have a place to park.
Why is there not more U-Picks? And Why can I just not schedule a day/time to come and pick?There are specific times of the day that are better to pick flowers. Picking in the afternoon heat is the worst. It is best to pick in the early morning or late evening hours. The flowers will have the longest vase life cut at these times. The flowers need time to regrow in between pickings so we stagger our u-pick days. Plus there are a lot of chores on the farm that need to be done. While u-pick days are our favorites!! The fields would not look beautiful if we had guests over every day. Some of our days have to be spent on maintenance.
Do you arrange flowers for weddings or events?We both currently still have full time jobs so we are not offering these kind of services. It may be something that is added in the future. If you would like to pick a bucket(s) of flowers to arrange on your own, please reach out to us or come during our u-pick.
Can I drop in and visit the farm?Our farm can only be visited at our ticketed events. Please know that this is our place of residence. During our events, guests may stroll through the flowers but our entire residence/land is not open to walk through. Thank you for respecting our property while you are here.
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